How To Get Rid Of Wasps

Bee, Wasp and Hornet

Being stung by a wasp (yellow jacket), hornet or bee is a painful experience and can be life threatening to anyone who may be allergic to stings. However, it is possible to reduce these risks by taking sensible precautions when outdoors and ensuring that wasp nests or bee hives are properly managed.

How to Deter Bees and Wasps from nesting

Monitoring is key if you want to avoid problems with bees and wasps, especially if you know the area you are occupying has this pest problem. It is always easier to prevent a problem before it happens, rather than to wait for them to invade your home or garden.

Check for nests – Check your home and garden for nests, usually walnut or golf ball in size at the beginning – early small nests have fewer wasps and are easier to treat quickly. Look for nests in garages, sheds, cavity walls or under eaves.

Secure bins – Ensure outside bins have tightly fitting lids. Keep bins at a distance from doors and windows so wasps are not attracted to the contents.

Keep windows and doors shut – To prevent wasps entering inside your home.

Keep a safe distance – If you have spotted a nest, make sure you keep children and pets away from the area.

How to Deter Unwanted Bees

Seal potential entry points – Bees can enter any structure or object that contains a hole that is a quarter of an inch or larger.

A closeup of a wasp’s nest and three wasps

Why Wasps Are Attracted to Your Home

Have you ever wondered why there are wasp nests near your home when it warms up outside? It’s worth knowing what these annoying pests look for when choosing a location for their nests. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to dissuade wasps from moving in around your home.

What a Wasp Thinks About When Searching for a Home

Humans look for a home that provides shelter from the elements and enough space to live comfortably. Unfortunately, wasps aren’t as selective. They’ll build their nests just about anywhere, so long as they have a sturdy, horizontal base to hang from.

Eaves, Ceilings and Overhangs

The favored nesting spots for wasps are eaves, porch ceilings and overhangs. They often choose a corner spot where the nest will be more protected.

Supply of Weathered Wood

Paper wasps, a very common species, get their names from the nests they construct. They build nests using wood fiber, therefore they need a construction resource near the nest. The queen wasp scrapes wood fiber from wood materials, and chews it to mix the fiber with her saliva, creating a paper pulp. She then spits it out at the desired build site to shape and create the nest. Gross, but very efficient for building.

Insect Food Supply

The one good quality wasps have is that they control the insect population by eating other bugs – placing them in the category of beneficial yard pests. The bad news is that if they decide your home is a good nesting location, that probably means there’s an ample food supply nearby.

Complete guide to Wasps by pest control specialist

So a wasp nest has settled around your property. What can you do keep those pests under control?

The wasp settles in little crevices around food sources such as ground holes, sheds and other organic matter. Wasp infestations occur every year during the warmer season and this time it just happened to be around your house, shed or other nearby location. Pests such as wasps are hostile and demonstrate a territorial behaviuor. They control their environment by defending their nests and food sources. Bakeries, restaurants and other food waste contributors create the ideal location for the queen to settle in and start their colony just as well as the compost in your garden! 

Can I get rid of the wasp nest myself?

Although wasps are not known to spread any diseases they are known as a bother and a health threat not just to you but also for your neighbours and other people nearby. If wasps infestation persists in your area their colony will grow and expand their territory in search for additional food sources. As wasps use gaps, openings and cracks in various buildings it can be very difficult and dangerous to control jaspers and, and those pests will become hostile if you disturb their nests.   Using commercially available products for wasp control without the protective equipment and the pest infestation knowledge will make it easy for the survivor wasps to relocate to a new location or persist and infest the area again in the near future.  

Health Risks

Wasps often appear in the summer during the warmer season and can lead to life-threatening stings for people with allergies. Even especially during a mass attack of the wasps. The possible side effects include breathing difficulties, skin rashes, dizziness and a red spot where the wasp injects the venom. Despite the fact that a single sting does not usually lead to a serious health situation, a mass attack by the colony can lead to critical health conditions.    Youngers are affected more often due to their tendency to get startled and panic at the sight of wasps, often becoming their victims. As wasps are active during the daytime, pest control specialist track their movement to locate the nests, estimate its size and devise a plan of action for efficient wasp removal.

Can I get rid of the beehive myself?

By attempting to remove the wasp nest alone you put yourself and your neighbourhood at risk. It is not as simple as using a smoke machine to lure bees out; doing so will only agitate the wasp. The wasps will become hostile and scatter. If the nest is destroyed the queen wasp will relocate and build a new colony nearby, so it’s advisable to hire a wasp control and pest infestation professional to reduce the risk of pests appearing again.

How long does it take for wasp nest fully develop?

There are multiple species of wasps with various life cycles, but there are a few common truths about all wasp nests. The hives life cycle is only one year which starts when the fertilized wasp queen creates the first layer of the nest. Each day the queen can lay between 200-300 larvae in the most optimal conditions for 24 consecutive days. Worker wasps seek nutrition for the colony, build the nest and protect against predators. With an average hive size of 30 wasp, the queen job continuously produces eggs to replace dying off wasp and create more future queens for future colonies. The wasp queens wake up in around April in the UK and colony’s grow throughout the summer until early October where future queens begin to hibernate and get fertilised by the male workers before they die off in the winter harsh conditions. 

How Can I Find The Best Wasp Service Near Me?

Are you seeing flying insects around your property? Stinging insects such as paper wasps, mud wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are most active in the summer months in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Before you try to take care of wasp nest removal on your own, follow this guide to answer the common question of “Do I have wasps?”

Paper Wasps     

Nest: Resembles an upside down umbrella with a honey comb pattern.

Insect: Brownish orange or yellow and black. 3-4 inches in length.

Behavior: Not inherently aggressive, but will sting if provoked.

Mud Wasps

Nest: Long, thin tubes OR looks like mud was thrown at a wall and splattered.

Insect: Defining feature is their thread-like waist. Can be blackish blue or have yellow and black stripes. Legs hang below the body when they fly.

Behavior: Not likely to sting as they are solitary wasps.


Nest: Football-shaped. Large and grey.

Insect: Yellow and black or brownish red.

Behavior: Large populations live within each nest. They are aggressive and will sting if provoked.

Why do I have a wasp nest?

In spring and early summer, they return to create their nests and grow their colonies. Most wasps with the exception of yellow jackets build their nests high in trees, under lawn furniture, on playground equipment, attached to high up soffits, around windows, or attached to wooden decks. Once the nest is created, wasps begin to search for food to feed their nest. Your home has potential to provide an abundance of food sources such as smaller insects, nectar, vegetation, and fallen fruit. Although wasps are not known to eat wood, they will often use shavings to create their nest.

What to ask

If you have decided to take the next step in wasp nest removal, please ensure that the pest control company you choose has the necessary experience, knowledge, and tactics. Any reputable pest control company should be able to answer the following questions and provide comprehensive responses.

How Much Do Wasp Exterminators Cost? (A Simple Guide)

Did you know that wasps are beneficial to the environment? These brightly-colored insects are among nature’s most reliable pollinators, and they effectively function as predators to various garden pests at the same time.

But when threatened by our presence, wasps can deliver one of the most painful stings ever encountered by humans. Even worse, this sting contains certain proteins that can trigger severe allergic reactions.

One major factor wasps really care about when looking to build a nest is shade. So whether you like it or not, that tree in your garden, your porch, or even the eaves of your house make an ideal spot for this insect’s new home.

Have you ever seen a wasp nest?

Paper wasp nests look like round honeycombs with open cells. Its shape resembles that of an inverted umbrella and the texture of the material is almost identical to an actual piece of paper.

Why Make the Call?

Wasps are considered to be much more aggressive insects compared to bees. Even if you’re just trying to tackle normal daily chores outside your home, a particularly defensive wasp could get easily provoked into stinging you.

Choosing The Perfect Event Videographer For Your Special Day

Multiple Streams of Videographer Income

In order for videographers to be truly successful, they need multiple streams of video business income. In other words, videographers need multiple sources of revenue to thrive in the great times and to survive in the down times.

What are the main sources of video business income?

Source #1 – The End Client

Whether you are a wedding and event videographer or a corporate video producer, your main source of revenue is the end client. The end client is the person that hires you to produce a video directly for them. Money flows out of their bank account and directly into yours. In my opinion, End Clients should make up about 50% of the revenues you generate for your video production business.

Source #2 – Creative Agencies

Although it can sometimes be a challenge to work with other creative agencies, try to stay on good terms with a handful of them because they can send you a steady stream of work.

In this scenario, the End Client hires the agency who then in turn, hires you to provide video services for a larger project. The money flows from the End Client’s pocket to the Creative Agency’s pocket and eventually, to your pocket.

Agency projects usually work to stretch your creative abilities and they pay a decent rate for your video production services.

In the wedding video arena, an agency might be a chapel or large wedding coordination company that provides turn-key services to brides and their families. In the corporate video arena, there are marketing, PR, advertising, interactive and website design agencies that develop projects for End Clients that will need to outsource professional video services.

Creative agencies should make up about 25% of the revenues you generate for your video production business. This will be a hard fought 25% and you’ll earn every penny…but you’ll want to have relationships with several agencies so you’ll have money coming in when End Clients aren’t spending any.

Source #3 – Other Videographers and/or Producers

One of the most overlooked sources of revenue are other videographers and video producers. Seriously! You should spend as much time meeting and networking with these people as you do trying to attract End Clients and Creative Agency clients. Become known as the go-to guy or gal in your market and other videographers and producers will be calling every week wanting to know if you’ll work on their crew. And at full freelance rates too!

Seriously, the easiest and quickest money comes from other people in our industry…even our competitors. Plus, when an End Client calls a videographer who is booked, they’ll most likely pass the lead on to you instead of leaving the client in a lurch. This gives you an opportunity to win a new End Client and it didn’t cost you anything to get them.

Also, in the years of running my video production business, there have been many times when I’ve had to rely on strategic partnerships with other videographers just to make ends meet. We’d both promote our services to the same clients while agreeing to give the other exclusive rights to be on the crew if and when a contract was signed.

This doubled my chances of winning work whether I won the contract or not! Pulling $300 to $500 in a day back then was WAY better than nothing…and in many cases it came just in time to put food on the table and to pay the rent.

Even now when most of my time is spent operating as the video producer/director, I still try to make sure 25% of my business revenues come from projects with other production companies.

If you diversify where your income is derived from, you’ll greatly improve your chances for video business success.

Videos for business

With 85% of consumer saying that they want to see more video content from brands, businesses are clamoring to get their hands on more video content. The problem? Not every business has (or needs) a full-time, in-house videographer.

I many cases, it makes sense for the business to outsource their video production needs to freelancers to get it done quickly.

The benefit for freelance videographers is huge. The average pricing for business videography is $1,000 per finished minute of video. If you’re signed on for a 3-minute video, you’ve got your summer trip paid for in one gig.

How to do it:

  • Sign up for freelancer platforms like Fiverr and Upwork
  • Upload your portfolio and description
  • Wait for the gigs to come rolling in

Alternatively, you could also proactively approach businesses that you see have potential, but don’t have much video content available. Make sure to tell your family and friends that you offer these services, as word of mouth recommendations are one of the strongest trust-building factors there are.

4 Ways to Make Money as a Videographer Right Now


Weddings are the easiest video job you can fall into. As soon as you buy your first camera, family members are going to ask you to shoot their weddings. That said, they are a ton of work. Be sure you are getting something out of it. If you aren’t getting paid, ask the couple to buy you some memory cards or batteries in exchange for your services.

Music Videos

If you are in the video world, you probably have friends in the music scene. If not, make some. The added benefit of making music videos is the friendships you make with musicians. It adds the future benefit of more collaborations. If you shoot a music video for a band, they may make you a deal when you have a project and want to use their music. You can also help them record their concerts, which leads into our next point.

Live Events

Concerts, corporate events, product releases, speakers, conferences. That’s just the starting list. Aim for events that are reoccurring. If an agency wants you to film their new product release party, make a video great enough that they call you back for the next product release. Same goes for yearly events or conferences. Companies will promote their next event with a video from the previous year. Then you’re setting yourself up for a yearly gig.

High School Sports and Highlight Reels

It’s easy to start doing this when you are in high school, but even after you graduate, you can always return to your alma mater. Most of these jobs are incredibly easy, especially if you are shooting footage for a coach. A coach just wants a wide shot of the field, that way they can analyze every player during each play. All you have to do is follow the ball.

Tips on How to Become a Videographer

There’s no one way to becoming a videographer. Many successful videographers have unique stories on how they followed similar steps differently before they got their big breaks.

Depending on where you are in your journey to becoming a professional videographer, you can start off with any of these tips and simply turn to your burning passion for videography to guide you to success.

Attend workshops

The usual first step to becoming a videographer is knowing how to operate a video camera properly. As a very lucrative career, videography obviously requires a whole lot of skill and technical knowledge that goes way beyond merely pressing the record button.You can start your education way before college, as many middle schools already offer basic classes in film, art, broadcasting, journalism, and other subjects that are related to videography. Your school might even have a news program or audio-visual club that you can join to help you learn and practice your skills.

Get a good video camera

As a beginner, you may find the DSLR or mirrorless camera to be easier to use than camcorders for your videography training. After attending several workshops, you will have probably gotten a good idea of the type of cinema camera that you prefer to work with.

Earn a related college degree

When you start applying for a videographer job, agencies and filmmaking companies will usually want to be assured of your education with a college degree that’s related to film or broadcasting. Fortunately, there are a handful of bachelor degrees that will provide you with valuable experiences and technical skills required in the field, such as the following:

  • Communications
  • Cinematography
  • Broadcasting
  • Video editing
  • Film theory
  • Screenwriting

Find a mentor

During your internships, find a mentor (fellow videographer or professional cinematographer) and cultivate friendships. Aside from gaining valuable knowledge from someone who’s currently in the industry, this person can be a source of inspiration. Even if you’ve already found yourself a mentor early on, having more than one can be very beneficial for your career.

If possible, assist your mentor in some of their projects. Observe how they work, how they plan and execute their shots, and how they address problems that arise. Apprenticeship opens up the possibility of working as a second-shooter or getting referrals for job opportunities later on.


So, exactly, “How Much Does a 3 Minute Video Cost?” It’s hard to say but a good rule of thumb is to estimate $1500 to $10,000 per finished minute for an average production. If you average this rate out, it is safe to assume a rate of about $3,000 to $5000 on average per finished minute of video. Therefore, a 3 minute video will cost about $9,000 to $15,000. But remember, the cost will differ greatly based on each element listed above. Keep in mind, that the return that you receive on your video when properly produced will be far greater than the investment itself!

Video cost includes a breakdown of the three main steps of production: pre-production, production, and post-production. You can’t skimp on any of these as doing so would result in a lesser quality film. Therefore, when considering a video for your business, website, or project, be sure to choose a professional production team to support your creative vision.

Necessity Of Sewer Inspection Line Inspection And Its Procedures

Plumber Services: Sewer Inspection and Repair

What You Should Know: Sewer Line Inspection and Repair

Sewer inspection and repair is nowhere near as difficult as it used to be. We now have the technology to not only inspect problems without digging, but repair or either fully replace systems without having to do so. Here is a quick guide to what you should know about sewer line inspection


Inspecting sewers is a very simple process nowadays. Whereas in the past, the whole area would have to be dug up to identify which sections were causing trouble, now a video camera can just be inserted into the pipe instead. These cameras are able to give a clear picture of what is going on inside the pipe, and precisely which parts are in need of repair. They can assess the type of damage and the severity of it – cracks may have formed due to root intrusion, old materials may be breaking down or the pipes may just be clogged.

This video technology is perfect for the average homeowner, who is unlikely to be an expert on the sewers. This allows them to fully understand what is going on and the mistakes that they have perhaps been mistaking. It can also stop them from being overcharged by bad repairmen, who in the past could try and say that a problem is worse than it actually is.

Video cameras can be used after repairs too, to clarify which areas have been fixed and if the job has been done properly. For example, if the pipe has been relined, a video inspection can discover whether the new lining has hardened against the existing pipe as it should.

What a Sewer Camera Inspection Can Do

While a sewer camera cannot find leaks, there are certain situations where the camera alone is effective.

Locate Lines

Sewer cameras have location devices that send out a signal. Using a special signal receiver above ground, our plumbers pinpoint where the camera is underground.

Drainage or Stoppage Issues

We call this your “sewer is not working as it is designed to work.”

Sewer pipes work using the power of gravity. The pipes flow downhill so when something goes into the pipe—waste, debris, water—it flows or drains down through your piping system and ultimately ends up at your city’s waste treatment center or septic tank, depending on your particular situation.

However, if something is causing your system to not work properly, in most cases we can use a sewer camera to determine what is causing it. Often in cases like these we find stoppages, blockages, roots, mud, broken pipe, etc.

PVC or Cast Iron Pipe

We determine what type of system you have by running a sewer camera inside the pipes.

Sewer System Connections

With a sewer camera, we can see fittings, tee’s, and other types of connection. We can also use it at the connections to run water. We’re able to see where the water flows to or from and/or comes from one line to another.

5 Symptoms of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

If your cast iron sewer pipes are 25 Years old or older, they could fail at any time. Your drainage lines may already be damaged by tree root intrusion, cracks, channeling, or misaligned connections before you experience complete sewer line failure. Do not let your plumbing get to the point where it fails! A failed or collapsed sanitary sewer line will cost you tremendously more to repair than proactive maintenance and repair will. This article highlights 5 tell-tale symptoms that your sewer line is deteriorating and possibly broken.

Sewage Backups and Blockages

Sanitary sewer backups usually occur in the lowest open drain. A sewage backup is typically caused by a blockage somewhere in the line. If you experience a backup every time you flush or run water down your sink or bathtub drain, then the problem is likely in your main sewer line since all drains rely on the main sewer line to drain properly. However, if backups are limited to only one drain then your problem is likely isolated to that drain.

Sewer Gas Odor

If you can smell sewer gas in or around your home or building, this is a tell-tale symptom that there is a crack somewhere in your sewer system. A sanitary sewer should be airtight everywhere with the exception of vent stacks on your roof which allows for the sewage to move downhill. This means that you should never smell sewer odor unless there was a crack or opening in your sanitary sewer lines.

Mold Problem

In addition to sewer odor, mold growth may also be a sign of a break in your sewer lines behind your walls. There are molds that only need the humidity level to be higher than 55% to start growing. Considering that, a cracked sewer pipe behind a wall can cause the humidity levels to rise to a point suitable for a mold problem to begin. If you notice mold growth in your home accompanied by sewer odor then you likely have a break in your sewage drain pipes.

Slow Drain

A slow drain may be a symptom that a blockage is forming which will eventually lead to a sewage backup. If your toilet, bathtub, or sink is draining slowly even after attempts to clear the line, you may have issues such as tree root intrusion, channeling, or cracks, mentioned above in the beginning stages.

Note: Beware of using chemical drain cleaners to solve a slow drain or blockage. As the chemicals sit in the pipe they will eat away at the cast iron and/or PVC.

Extra Green and Lush Patches in Grass

Spotting an extra green and lush patch of grass in your yard may be due to a sewage leak underground. Since sewage acts as a fertilizer for vegetation, leakage from your main line into the surrounding soil will give the surrounding grass extra nutrients that will result in a lush and extra green appearance.

How Often Should I Have My Sewer Line Inspected?

Most experts will recommend having sewer lines inspected prior to purchasing or renting a new home to be sure that there are no issues the buyer might be unaware of. Periodic cleaning of sewer lines can also help prevent clogs and backups in the sewer drains – a headache no one wants to deal with.

If the home has a history of lines draining slowly, it’s a good idea to have them inspected and cleaned before a major clog happens. In addition, homes that are more than forty years old are probably due for a cleaning even if the drains appear to be functioning normally. Other environmental factors can affect the sewer lines as well, such as penetration by tree roots underneath the property. Grease, hair, food, and other blockages can also gradually build up over time and cause a major sewer clog. Signs of trouble include slow drains, foul smells, gurgling pipes, or water pooling around toilets and bathtub drains. Because these things happen beneath the ground, it’s difficult to monitor or even know that there could be an issue without having the line inspected periodically.

How to Clear a Sewer Without a Snake

You can often clear the sewer yourself. The best tool is a sewer auger, also known as a snake, but you can still do the job if you don’t have one. Even though the cost to clear a main sewer line clog can be considerable, you shouldn’t hesitate to get professional help if you’re unsuccessful. Sewer clogs can be caused by tree roots or septic problems that require the use of special tools and techniques.

Use a Plunger to Clear a Main Drain Clog

You may be able to clear a sewer clog by using a plunger.

  1. Choose a toilet on the ground floor.
  2. Tape over the tub, sink and shower drains with duct tape. This prevents the force you develop with the plunger from dissipating through the pipes and focuses it on the clog.
  3. Get a bellows or force-ball plunger, insert it in the toilet bowl, let it fill with water and then plunge away.

You’ll know this technique is working if the standing water in the toilet begins to drain. As soon as this happens, pour 2 or 3 gallons of very hot water in the toilet to help the clog dissolve.

Bust a Sewer Clog With Enzyme-Based Drain Cleaner

It’s hardly ever a good idea to put Drano or a similar product in the toilet because it contains sodium hydroxide, which generates heat and can damage the pipes. It’s a particularly bad idea if it turns out the clog is caused by tree roots or a septic problem because the corrosive chemical will remain in the pipes and could give skin burns to anyone who tries to clear the clog using other methods.

An enzyme-based main line cleaner is safer, but it takes longer to work. If you purchase one of these products, use it according to the directions and give it a few days to do its thing before you move on to the next method.

Attack a Sewer Clog With a Hose or Power Washer

You may need more force to clear an especially stubborn main drain clog, and you should apply it through one of the drain cleanout fittings. You should have one or two of these in the basement and more outside. Open one of them by unscrewing the cap with a wrench and have a bucket handy to catch water. You’ll also want to wear protective clothing, goggles and gloves because the water may be under pressure and could spray when you open the cleanout.

If water does spill out, you’re on the right track because it means the clog is downstream of the fitting. Insert a hose with a high-pressure nozzle or preferably a power-washer wand with a 0° (red) or 15° (green) tip. Place the bucket under the cleanout, point the nozzle downstream, pull the trigger and stand back.

A long, sustained blast of water is more effective than a series of short bursts, but stop when the bucket fills and empty it. If you haven’t made any progress after emptying the bucket two or three times, it’s time to either get an auger or call a plumber.

Long Distance Moving Tips to Save Money

Ways to Save Money During a Long Distance Move

Long distance moves can be stressful and costly. Looking up frugal moving tips goes a long way in helping you save both money and time. A suitable way of lowering your financial expenses is recycling moving boxes that are strong enough to hold your belongings. Pack light items in such boxes so that they don’t rip and cause damages. Paying for the transportation of your car also allows you to move your vehicle to your new home without worrying about extra expenses that will arise if you drive it yourself. The following are a few moving tips that will help you save money during your long distance move.


You have to remember that you are not the only one planning a move. Choosing the time to move will determine how much you will spend. Moving companies’ rates go up when many people are moving to new locations. Avoid mid-summer, which is a particularly popular moving season. The best time to schedule your long distance move is between September and May. There will be different moving companies offering competitive prices to choose from. You can choose a convenient moving date and reserve your move with your chosen company in advance. Avoid moving on national holidays and on the last weekend of a month. Further, when you move during off-peak seasons, the traffic is more manageable and you’ll likely arrive without delay. Heavy traffic makes finding parking space a problem, and you could easily be involved in a road accident.

Hire a Moving Company

To have a stress-free long distance move, you need to hire a moving company. With their affordable rates, you get to save time and money. Book morning slots so that the professional movers arrive at your place fresh. Choose a company with competitive rates that allow you to save money. Moving companies come with a moving truck and professional movers that will help you load and off-load your belongings, which will save you time and frustration when compared to trying to move by yourself.

Buy Affordable Packing Supplies

Many people rush to buy packing supplies forgetting that they might already have some of the houses. Look through your house for packing containers and supplement them with new boxes and containers if what you have isn’t sufficient. Just like moving companies, make sure that you compare the prices of available moving containers before you buy.

Planning and budgeting for a long distance move can be stressful, but by following the above tips you can help cut costs and reduce headaches at the same time.

Rent a portable moving container

Renting a portable moving container is one of the most popular alternatives to using full-service movers. For starters, renting a portable moving container is much cheaper than hiring a professional moving company. Second, portable moving containers can also double as storage solutions before and after the move. Costs will depend on the length of time you decide to rent the container and the size of the container. In general, renting a moving container for a long distance move tends to cost anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 per month. Compare that to the $4,000 to $6,000 that a professional moving company will likely charge, and you’ll see the difference. To move using a moving container, all you have to do is load your boxes and belongings, and the container company will do the rest.

Think about your budget

When you start to plan your long distance moving, you need to know how much money it is going to cost. You need help with that because you are not experienced in that area. You can start exploring the market for different costs of moving, but some of them can be scams and frauds. They can promise you wonders and realize very little. You must think about your budget and try to save money on a long distance move, where you can.

You can rely on and give your trust to the best moving company  because we will take good care of your belongings. There are many satisfied clients that can give you reviews on our services. They speak for us. We can give you the best offer regarding your budget. Be prepared and know that estimate of costs, they can be smaller or a little higher. But it can not be a drastic difference because our experts are evaluating the circumstances in which you are and every vital element of moving. Your inputs are very important to them.

Get Rid of Junk

The more you have, the more space you’re going to need on the moving truck, which translates to more money spent. No matter when you plan on moving, now is the time to start de-cluttering your home and getting rid of anything you can’t or won’t use in the future. Whatever you don’t need can either be sold at a garage sale to raise funds for your move, or if you don’t have the time, consider donating it for a nice tax deduction. Don’t get rid of too much stuff, however. With each item, ask yourself if you will use it in the new home. If you haven’t used it in the last few years, now’s probably the time to get rid of it.

Get an Idea of What’s Possible

Before you start making relocation plans and gathering estimates, you need to know what’s fair in the moving industry and what to look for in a moving company. So, the first thing to do when looking for movers is to learn the cost of professional moving services, research your options, and find out which companies are worth working with:

  • Find out the average cost of moving a household the size of yours across the distance you’re moving;
  • Use a moving cost calculator to get an approximate idea of the price of your move;
  • Visit the websites of different moving companies in your area to see what they have to offer – compare their tariffs and conditions, look for discounts and promotions, pay attention to the overall quality of the site, check if the name, physical address, e-mail address, telephone number, and USDOT number of the carrier are clearly stated, click the “About Us” section to find out more information about the company, etc.;
  • Read moving reviews to see what previous customers of the companies have to say about their experiences with the movers.

This way, you’ll get a general idea of what’s available, what to expect from professional movers, which companies to stay away from, and how much money you’re going to need for your move.

The Pros And Cons Of Bathroom Remodelling For Resale Homes

Choosing a Contractor for a Bathroom Remodel

when choosing a contractor to head up your bathroom remodel, a few simple steps can mean the difference between complete confidence and sleepless nights.

Ask for Referrals

Word of mouth — hands down, it’s the best way to find a qualified professional to tackle the job. Ask relatives, friends and neighbors whom they have had good experiences with. Also ask what made it a positive experience, how the contractor handled problems and whether he or she would use the same contractor again

Look at Credentials

With recommendations in hand, do some preliminary research, whether that’s with a phone call or a visit to the contractor’s website. Find out whether he or she holds all the required licenses from the state and local municipalities, as well as designations from any professional associations like the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA), the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) or the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB). Look for contractors who have invested in coursework and passed rigorous tests in order to earn a particular certification. Be aware, however, that all certifications are not created equal. “I would find out what the certification is and what it took to get it,” says Sara Ann Busby, NKBA president-elect and owner of Sara Busby Designs in Elk Rapids, Mich.

Interview Candidates

Narrow down the list of contenders, and set up meetings. What is the magic number of contractors to interview? “Ultimately, the right amount could be one,” says Al Pattison, past president of NKBA, but he recommends talking with no more than three. “With too many quotes, it gets too confusing trying to make a decision.” NARI offers a list of questions to ask potential contractors on its website.

Check References

Once rapport has been established, ask to see some of the contractor’s projects. If they meet with approval, request references and then actually call the contractor’s former customers to check up on them. Ask how the contractor did at executing the project. Was it on-time and on-budget? Were they pleased with the outcome? Was there anything that could have been done differently?

Picking Materials for a Bath Remodel

before you shop for vanities and choose the material for your countertops, make sure you have a well-thought-out plan for your bathroom renovation. You should identify goals and priorities, with the help of your completed Day in the Life of Your Bathroom Questionnaire and Bathroom Goals Worksheet. You also should have a clear vision of what your new bathroom will look like, after exploring various bathroom designs and layouts.

Now it’s time to drill down to the details of your bathroom remodel. It’s best to choose all of the fixtures, materials and finishes down to the hardware before the project begins. That way, you will have a truly realistic idea of how much the project will cost.(Allowances can quickly get out of hand.)

As you choose among fixtures and materials, visit specialty design showrooms for plumbing, lighting, flooring, cabinets, etc. You’ll get a real feel for what’s available in the market, and you can talk to the professionals who work there about your ideas and what products will achieve your goals.

“Make sure you have chosen everything down to the lighting fixture to the medicine cabinet before you begin that project, because if you don’t, that is where a $30,000 project becomes a $50,000 project,” says Cameron Snyder, president, Roomscapes Luxury Design Center, Boston, Mass., and past-president of the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA). “Allowances that contractors give you may or may not be realistic.”

With your goals, floor plan and budget in mind, consider all of the possibilities you can include in your bathroom and focus on choices that meet your needs.

How to Choose the Right Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

Choosing someone for your bathroom remodeling project can be a daunting task. Not only is remodeling a lot of money, but if it isn’t done correctly the first time you may be stuck with a room you really dislike. It takes a little research to find the best fit for your renovation job. Following these simple steps to finding your contractor can help make sure you have complete confidence in the people working on your bathroom.

Ask for Referrals

When you can find people who have had work done by someone and are happy with it; that may be the easiest way to find the qualified professional you want to tackle your bathroom renovation. Ask your neighbors, friends, family, or coworkers about the remodeling done in their house and how their experience was with the contractor. If it was a positive experience, ask if they would use that contractor again

Look at Credentials

Do your homework. With all of the recommendations you receive, make sure you do some preliminary research on each contractor. Make sure the contractors you are interested in hold all the required licenses for you state. As well as, you need to check that they have all of the certifications from any professional associations such as the National Kitchen & Bath Association and so forth. Do some homework and find out the requirements because not all testing and certifications are equal, but you want to make sure your contractor is qualified for the tasks you want done regardless of all the testing. You need to know they can do the work, and do it properly.

Interview Candidates

Once you have narrowed down you list of contractors, set up in person appointments with all of them. Make sure you are asking plenty of questions because those answers are extremely important in getting what you want for your bathroom. As well as, this interview is the first point of reference for how all communication will go for the rest of your renovation.

Get It in Writing

The final step after selecting your contractor is to make sure you go through the final paper work with a fine-toothed comb. Scrutinize the contract, make sure it is fair, and make sure you are getting everything you want for your bathroom. Take a look at the documents he or she has prepared. Do they look professional? Remember that when you are hiring your remodeling contractor, you are purchasing a service from them and not a product. This is a legal binding agreement, don’t just sign it. If you have to take it home first before you can sign it in confidence, do so. You want the quality of the service to match the quality of the final project so take everything in to mind before you agree to sign. Once everything checks out, sign the dotted line for your remodel.

Tips for Hiring a Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

Remodeling a bathroom can be one of the most satisfying home improvement projects of all. Results are immediate and personal—a sparkling new shower or bathtub, a cheerful paint scheme, a bathroom vanity with a beautiful countertop, and more storage than ever. A high-quality bathroom remodel can also pay you back by boosting resale value. One way to ensure the best bathroom remodel is to hire a bathroom contractor with experience who can see your project through to its successful completion.

Interview Three or More Bathroom Contractors

When you speak to just one or two bathroom contractors, you gain only a limited set of viewpoints. If you go ahead and solicit bids from these contractors, the bids might be higher than expected. By increasing the number of contractors that you interview, it is easier to find the contractor who is the perfect fit for your job. Plus, you’ll have a greater range of bids to choose from.

Review the Contractor’s Previous Work

Bathroom contractors typically show up for the interview with a picture gallery of the previous bathroom remodels, either in a picture book or on a screen. You can also view the contractor’s portfolio on their website or on contractor-matching sites that they belong to. Aim to look past the pretty pictures and decide if this bathroom contractor does the type of work that is right for you.

Get Estimates in Writing

Verbal estimates are worth little—for either the homeowner or the bathroom contractor. Numbers get forgotten or misinterpreted or misheard, even if everyone has good intentions. Well-written estimates are understood by all. It is perfectly fine to ask a bathroom contractor for a verbal ballpark figure. Just understand that no one is being held to that figure, and that you should follow up with a written estimate of costs.

Pin Down the Schedule

Before signing the contract, be sure to clarify with the bathroom contractor the date that the remodel can start and the overall duration of the project. Scheduling matters both to you and to the contractor. When both of you are in agreement, then you can proceed with the contract. “Time is of the essence” is a familiar contract clause that defines the amount of time the contractor has to work on the project, along with a payment schedule by the homeowner.

How to Choose a Bathroom Remodelling Contractor

If you are planning on doing any renovations at your home, you need to find the right contractor for the task at hand. Whether you need your bathroom, laundry or kitchen remodelled, knowing how to find a reputable contractor who can complete the project you have is crucial for your project and your sanity. Every contractor has their own specialty, so this is something you should look into before you decide on a contractor for any project around the home.


You should always ask for referrals first. So don’t forget to ask your friends, families, and coworkers to see what their experiences have been with their contractors. They will be very willing to share with you any positive and negative experiences that they have had, especially if they had a very bad experience with a specific company. This can be one of the best ways to narrow down a list or create a list of contractors to look into


It is essential to look at the credentials of any builder hat you are looking to employ. A reputable builder will be fully licensed and insured in the state that they are working in. This is very important because if something goes wrong on the job, they will be liable for damages and not you.


Lastly, you should get quotes from a few of your top choices. Be very clear about what you want done in the home and your preferred look and feel. Do not just pick a company because they are cheapest, often you are going to get exactly what you pay for.


At My Bathroom we offer a wide array of services that are sure to meet your remodelling needs. My Bathroom is a family-run company that handles laundry, kitchen, and bathroom renovations in the Melbourne area.

Useful Tips For Successful Party Management With Party Planner Software

How To Choose the Right Wedding Planner For You

Utilize your resources.

Whether you’re looking for a new hair stylist or a dress tailor, there’s nothing like a personal reference within your own network to put your mind at ease. When it comes to how to choose a wedding planner, turn to your friends and family for recommendations and you might be pleasantly surprised by the number of quality leads that come your way. You can even expand that network to include your online connections and put a call out on social media.

Research their online presence.

Found a wedding planner who might be a good fit? Take the next step with some online sleuthing to check out their website, portfolio, blog, and social media. This is a great opportunity to get a solid grasp of their aesthetics and style, along with their “brand voice” and style of communication. Has their work been published in any blogs or online magazines? Look for those coveted “As Seen In” badges on their website as another indication of great work.

Meet up in person.

While virtual communication is a perfect starting point, you can only get so far via email. In thinking about how to choose a wedding planner, you should definitely try to meet face-to-face before hiring. If you’ve thoroughly vetted their work online and want to move forward, suggest an in-person meeting as the next step before booking. Just like any job interview scenario, a face-to-face meeting will give you a much better sense of their personality and whether or not they’d be a helpful addition to your vendor team.

How to Choose the Right Wedding Planner

Compatibility and experience matter

“You want her to be an awesome fit for your personality and style but also experienced and seasoned enough to fully execute the type of event you want at the level you want,”

Do your homework

To narrow down the list of potential planners, check out their online portfolios, read reviews from other couples (websites like The Knot and WeddingWire are great resources), and ask for references.

Ask the right questions

Whether you decide to interview wedding planners on the phone or in person, asking the right questions is imperative.

Talk money early on

To save yourself some major disappointment and financial issues in the future, you need to make sure A) your planner’s fees are within your budget and B) you are giving them enough cash to do their job properly and make your dream wedding a reality.

Understand what their services are

Having said that, you also need to be aware that there are other types of wedding-related roles such as wedding consultants, wedding coordinators, wedding stylists and designers, and wedding producers, and understanding what their job description and services entail is crucial. Otherwise, you may end up with someone who’s great at negotiating contracts but whose ability to design a beautiful wedding is not as good.

What makes a good party planner?

Why party organizers is important

Party type:

There are different types of parties celebrated by the folks, but which one is yours? Do you want a party with lots of dance and fun or a simple tea party? Different type of party needs different arrangements, so check whether your party planner can arrange a day of your dreams?


Budget is a main reason of concern while planning a party. Everyone is inclined towards Event management companies because they assist you to plan your day in an affordable manner. But if you are not getting a proper benefit from your party planner then it doesn’t make any sense to hire them. Therefore whenever you hire a party planner ask them for the expected expenses in details and compare it with others. Then finally choose the one which is reasonable and also excellent.


Just going with the cost is not enough to make your day successful and amazing. It needs creativity to keep everyone’s eyes stunned with the arrangements. Therefore keep this creativity aspect at the top of your checklist and make sure your party planners. are creative enough to give you most surprising day. These days most of the folks use themes to give a sparkling effect to their day, so you can also ask them to pick a theme which suits your party objective and also make it an unseen experience for all those taking part in it.

Best tips from party planning pros: how to make your event unforgettable

Twinkle Twinkle Little Party

The best tip for an unforgettable event is choosing a unique and relevant theme that carries through the party decor and food/sweets. Creating an eye-catching set up/presentation with a story behind it will definitely give the guests something to talk about.

The Party Girl

Make a killer backdrop. I have a super simple PVC pipe frame I use for pretty much everything, and you can get very creative. Use it as a showstopper behind your food table, and later on, let it steal the show on Instagram since it does double duty as a photo booth backdrop once everybody is warmed up!

Elle A Events

I would say the best tip for an unforgettable event is to be ‘open minded’. Every client is different and their happiness comes first … always.

Paper Goat Post

Our best tip for creating an unforgettable event is to PLAN! If you think through all the details and set a solid plan, you will be able to execute the event based around the goals set during your planning. If you run into any bumps during the execution, you’ll be able to “WORK YOUR PLAN” and respond in a calm and appropriate manner.

Top tips to choosing the RIGHT wedding planner

Does the wedding planner have a company website?

This may seem like a very obvious, even silly, factor to consider – however, if you do a quick search of wedding planners in Spain, for example, you’ll find that there are lots that do not have a website, but, rather use a facebook business page and/or a business page on a wedding search engine. Some don’t even have a company domain or email address, but use a generic gmail address instead! Beware if you come across this, as this not only confirms that the planner has not been in business for long, it also implies that the planner is not investing in his/her company, and in turn may not be entirely serious about being a wedding planner…which may put you in a very difficult situation if after a few months the wedding planner decides this work is no longer right for them, and decides to stop planning weddings altogether (including yours!)

Is the wedding planner an established business?

Regardless of whether it’s a self-employed business (in Spain it’s called “autonomo”) or as a limited business (such as an S.L., S.C.P., etc.), the wedding planner should always provide an invoice for the fees payable, including the applicable IVA (VAT/TAX) which is currently 21%. The wedding planner should also have liability insurance (in Spain, it is called “Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil). The wedding planner should also have a VAT/TAX number (in Spain it is called a CIF, NIF or DNI) as all businesses are required to have, together with an official fiscal address.

Can the wedding planner prove their experience?

A real wedding planner with experience and a plethora of weddings under their belt is always able to prove their experience. They are able to provide references from other Couples who have used their services in the past. A reliable and professional wedding planner is willing and open to making you feel at ease about their work and experience, and is able to give you real references. Whether it’s videos, wedding images, references from providers and/or testimonials of Couples of weddings that they’ve done, all of this material should be used as a whole to determine whether this wedding planner is truly and honestly experienced or has just started out. The most invaluable experience, however, will come directly from their past Couples, so be sure to ask for more than 2 references of both past Clients and wedding providers to ensure that you are speaking with a real Client, and not one of their friends or family members who are posing as past Clients.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your House

What Kills Bed Bugs and Their Eggs?

If you’re facing a bed bug infestation, you need to act quickly to control the problem. While there are many at home remedies you can try, be sure to do your research to know which do-it-yourself treatment will actually work and which ones will waste your time—and your money. Let’s start with a few of these remedies that simply don’t work:


Contrary to what many people believe, placing dryer sheets on furniture or in your closets to repel bed bugs simply doesn’t work. The same can be said for plant oil-based repellents containing pyrethroids or plant oil. Based on research conducted at Rutgers University, no data shows that either method will prevent a bed bug infestation.


Washing and drying your clothes and linens in hot water is an effective way to prevent and kill bed bugs and their eggs. It’s also important to wash and dry any other washable fabrics in your home, including items like couch covers.

Signs of Infestation

If you wake up with itchy areas you didn’t have when you went to sleep, you may have bedbugs, particularly if you got a used bed or other used furniture around the time the bites started. Other signs that you have bedbugs include:

  • Blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases
  • Dark or rusty spots of bedbug excrement on sheets and mattresses, bed clothes, and walls
  • Bedbug fecal spots, egg shells, or shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide
  • An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands

Also, check the area around the bed, including inside books, telephones or radios, the edge of the carpet, and even in electrical outlets. Check your closet, because bedbugs can attach to clothing. If you are uncertain about signs of bedbugs, call an exterminator, who will know what to look for.

Can Salt Kill Bed Bugs?

Like most ideas that sound too good to be true, the suggestion to use salt to kill bed bugs simply doesn’t pan out. Bed bug experts on the Bedbugger forum went as far as to run trials with live bed bugs exposed to salt to see what would happen. After a few days of observation, it became abundantly clear that the table salt was having no adverse effects on the bed bugs in the testing area.

Not only will salt not work on bed bugs, but neither will most of the other home remedies you hear about on the Internet. We hear about them every day: rubbing alcohol, cedar oil, eucalyptus, and even household cleaners like Fabuloso are thought to work against bed bugs. These are recommended all the time, but they are not the answer to your bed bug problems.

How to keep bed bugs away naturally?

There are a few ‘natural’ steps you can take to get rid of bed bugs:

  • Vacuum– Vacuuming will help you get rid of adult bed bugs, their eggs as well as the larvae. It is a great method of reducing hiding places for bugs.
  • Diatomaceous Earth– DE powder is readily available in health food stores and home improvement stores. Buy a huge packet as you will need to use a lot of it. Make sure you treat all the rooms n your home. Sprinkle the DE powder all over your house-under the beds, furniture, in the box springs etc. Let it remain for 3 days. Then vacuum again. Diatomaceous earth rips the bed bugs’ exoskeletons and kills them instantly. Make sure the bugs come in contact with the powder – so apply it near the bed’s legs, in the headboards etc. Avoid sleeping in the treated rooms since this powder can be harmful for human lungs.
  • Seal up all cracks and crevices– Caulk the cracks and crevices to prevent new bed bugs from entering your premises from neighboring houses.
  • Wash all bedding in hottest settings of washer and dryers- Heat kills bed bugs instantly so wash all the bedding/ linen in hot water and bleach where applicable.
  • Pull out all carpets right down to the hardwood floor. Spray natural bed bug sprays like Eco-Defense or lavender/tea tree oil. Continue using the DE earth powder. You must also continue this regime for the rest of your life!

Time to Treat

Now that you know what you’re up against, it’s time to wage war. There are a lot of different ways to get rid of bed bugs. The best way is to learn about the different methods available and combine them all.

Put All Fabrics in the Dryer

Take all the clothing, bed sheets, curtains, etc. out of infested rooms and throw them in the dryer. One full cycle in the dryer will kill them. Make sure not to overfill the dryer, though. If there are too many clothes in the dryer, the heat will not get to everything, and it won’t kill them all, so do smaller loads.


Your vacuum is going to be your best friend during this process. It’s a quick and effective way to suck up bugs, including the almost invisible babies.

  1. Take the sheets and blankets off the bed, and then vacuum every single inch. The sides, the underside, literally everywhere.
  2. After that, dry the sheets and put them back on the bed. Repeat this process every couple of days.
  3. Vacuum everything in the house in the same manner, like the couches, chairs, other beds, etc. Even if something is not infested, this will make sure that a stray bed bug hasn’t found its way over there.
  4. After you’re done, empty the vacuum into a plastic trash bag, tie it tightly so they can’t crawl out, and toss it in the trash.

Use Rubbing Alcohol

This is a great spot treatment. Rubbing alcohol will instantly kill a bed bug on contact.

  1. Pick up a big jug of rubbing alcohol that is at least 95%.
  2. Put on a mask (the smell can be pretty strong) and use it to get into the hard to reach areas.
  3. For example, they can hide deep inside the couch where the vacuum can’t reach. Dumping rubbing alcohol onto those areas will kill the bed bugs on contact.
  4. Do this daily for two weeks and you’ll see a tremendous difference.

Use Steam

Steam is great to get rid of bed bugs because it kills both the bugs and the eggs. Things like rubbing alcohol don’t kill the eggs. The vacuum won’t get the eggs, either. Bed bugs secure their eggs to surfaces with a glue that means no amount of suction is going to pull them off.

Picking up a good steamer is a great way to kill the eggs. A steam mop with a built-in steam is ideal, especially for wood floors. Bed bugs can hide in between those cracks, too. The detachable steamer can be used on dressers, couches, and so on.

Energy Star Compliant Residential Roofing Materials And Fire Protection

How to Choose a Residential Roofing Contractor

When it comes to choosing a residential roofing contractor, it’s important to select an experienced contractor who can give your roof the quality it needs to keep your family and personal belongings safe from the outside elements. When choosing a roofing contractor for your home, you must seek out multiple candidates with the proper licensing and a great business reputation in your area. Continue reading to learn how you can choose a residential roofing contractor for your home.

Contact three roofing contractors. Treat this step just as you would if hiring a new employee. Making a bad decision regarding which contractor to hire will be very painful.

Verify that the roofing contractor you hire has the required applicable business licenses for your state or local area.

If you are unsure of the business licenses required for roofing contractors in your area, contact the licensing board or Department of Professional Regulation for your area or state.

You may also visit the Contractor’s Licensing website featured in the Sources section of this article to determine the licenses required by specific states

Verify that the roofing contractor or business is legitimate by asking for their tax identification number, a business address, business website or email address, and contact phone number.

Ask the roofing contractor to provide you with proof of insurance, including worker’s compensation and liability coverage.

Not all areas or states require roofing contractors to have insurance, but you may want to hire a person with insurance to protect yourself from lawsuits if the contractor is injured while working on your property.

Check with the contractor to verify that the insurance covers the entire time-span during which the roofing project takes place.

Selecting a professional roofing contractor

Buying a new roof system is an important investment. Before you spend your money, spend time learning how to evaluate roofing contractors. You should insist on working with a professional roofing contractor. NRCA wants to assist you in getting the kind of results you expect—a quality roof system at a fair price. All roofing contractors are not alike, and NRCA recommends that you prequalify roofing contractors to get the job done right the first time

Check for a permanent place of business, telephone number, tax identification number and, where applicable, a business license.

Don’t hesitate to ask a roofing contractor for proof of insurance. In fact, insist on seeing copies of his liability coverage and workers’ compensation certificates. Make sure the coverages are in effect through the duration of the job. Many building and home owners have been dragged into litigation involving uninsured roofing contractors. Also, if a contractor is not properly insured, you may be liable for accidents that occur on your property.

Check to see if the roofing contractor is properly licensed or bonded. Some states have specific licensing requirements, and others do not. Your state’s Department of Professional Regulation or Licensing Board will have this information.

Make sure the contractor is financially stable. A professional roofing contractor can provide current financial information about his company.

Look for a company with a proven track record that offers client references and a list of completed projects. Call these clients to find out whether they were satisfied.

Insist on a detailed, written proposal and examine it for complete descriptions of the work and spec ifications, including approximate starting and completion dates and payment procedures.

Have the contractor list the roofing manufacturers with which his firm is a licensed or approved applicator. Most roof systems require special application expertise to achieve lasting quality.

Have the contractor explain his project supervision and quality-control procedures. Request the name of the person who will be in charge of your project, how many workers will be required and estimated completion time.

How to Choose a Roofing Contractor

Need to Find a Good Roofer?

Installing a new roof is one of the most important, and expensive, home improvement projects you’ll run into as a homeowner. It and your siding is the first line of defense for your home against the elements. Whether you need a quick repair or a complete replacement, you’ll want to hire a trustworthy roofing pro. Here are a few tips to help you find — and work with — your contractor.

When Do I Need to Find a Roofer?

There are a few reasons you might need a roofer:

installation or replacement


maintenance and inspection

Remember that these companies, especially independent contractors, often specialize in repairs or replacement. An installer might not have much experience with repair, and vice versa. Make sure that the one you hire knows how to work with the material you have (or want).

New Roof Installation or Replacement

A roof will last 20 to 50 years. Afterward, it usually requires replacement. The cost to replace or install a roof ranges from $5,200 to $10,100. High-end materials may cost more. If you’re hiring a pro to put one on a new home,

Roofing Repair

The price to repair a roof runs $350 to $1,300. If it is leaking, sagging or showing other signs of damage, you may need a pro to fix it. Many professionals will perform this work on one they installed. If you need to a hire a pro different from the installer, be sure to look for companies that offer repair.

How to Choose a Roofing Contractor

Selecting a properly certified and high quality roofing contractor is important and often a difficult task for consumers who are unfamiliar with the roofing industry. Roofing in the Ontario region is an unregulated industry. It is important to select certified roofers who will be in business to honour their warranty in the future. There are a large number of roofing contractors who are not certified and have both low quality installations and poor workmanship. The average start-up business is usually closed within three years, and may be out of business when potential roofing problem could arise.

How long has the company been in business?

An established company will most likely be around in the future should any problems arise

Does the contractor have a permanent business office address, phone, and email?

An established contractor should be able to provide a business address, phone, and email. A permanent business address is a sign of a stable company.

Does the contractor use subcontractors?

Subcontractors are often paid on a per job basis, which can result in poor workmanship as the job is completed as fast as possible.

Does the company supply a written contract and estimate (and do they require a deposit)?

All job specifications and prices should be supplied in writing. Established companies with strong financial stability usually do not require a deposit. Deposits are common, be wary of any contractor requesting more than 1/3 of the cost of the project

How to Choose a Residential Roofing Contractor

Many homeowners can have a hard time when it comes to fixing or repairing their roofs, especially when it comes to choosing which residential roofing contractor to hire for the job. People can make the mistake of simply selecting the first one they see, and the results of such a decision can be disastrous.

Homeowners should seek the services of a professional contractor who has a record of being trustworthy with their past clients. Hiring qualified professionals may not be the cheapest in the short run, but settling for the cheaper option could end up costing you in the long run.

Look for Local Contractors

As much as possible, homeowners should look for contractors in their community. Local roofing contractors know more about the local rules and regulations in your area, as well as having an established relationship with the area’s suppliers.

Get Referrals

The best way to find a good roofing contractor is to ask your neighbors. Find out their good and bad experiences and they will tell you what to watch out for. If you don’t know any neighbors who have had roofing done lately, you can check out local chat groups online and ask them for referrals.

Look for Manufacturer Designations

You’ll need to look for roofing contractors who have earned their manufacturer designations. The designations are considered badges of honor that, at the very least says that the contractor passed the minimum requirements to become factory-certified.

How To Decide Which Unloading Services Are Right For You

How to choose the right ship unloading system?

Selecting the right ship unloading system.

This paper compares the use different types of ship unloaders, and gives a brief overview of what options are available in the market.

For efficient unloading of bulk materials, several discontinuous and continuous ship unloading systems (CSU) are employed worldwide. Each of the systems is founded on sophisticated, powerful technology and can be the proper solution for a specific area of application.

Selecting the right company to supply your unloader equipment

It is always important that you select a right supplier for ship or barge unloading. After all, your materials are your company’s asset, and you want to be sure that you are putting them in the hands of someone you can trust. If you are looking to handle your materials by proper unloader, the following tips will help you choose the right supplier to work with.

Be sure the equipment can handle your materials.

Before you buy an equipment, you need to be sure it can handle your materials. Find companies specialize in dry cargo handling equipment. When you choose a company that can safely and efficiently unload your specific materials from a barge or ship, you will be able to keep your materials moving on time.

Ensure they have the right equipment.

Your materials may require special equipment in order to unload successfully. When choosing a company to partner with, be sure they have the right equipment. If you have materials ready to be unloaded from vessels, but you did a wrong choice, you will be wasting precious time and money.


If you’re a do-it-yourself mover, chances are you’ve rented a moving truck yourself and planned on driving it to your new location. What you may not realize is how critical the way you load your things into that truck really is.

Even during short-distance moves over smooth roads, items not properly loaded have a tendency to shift in transit, which may cause serious damage to your belongings. But with the right equipment and experiential knowledge, Best In Class Moving & Storage will take all the guesswork out of loading your next moving truck, so you don’t have to worry about what’s inside while you drive. On request, our BIC Moving loading and unloading professionals will also provide moving blankets to protect your hardwood furniture; rope and ratchet straps to hold items in place and secure fragile belongings; and bubble wrap, plastic wrap, and protective paper to keep china and dish sets safe. If you’re looking to get all your moving supplies in one place, you’ll find below a full list of what we provide. Just talk to a moving specialist about the supplies you will need, and Best In Class Moving & Storage will be happy to bring them.

Unloading – the chore on the other end.

Although it typically takes less time than loading, unloading into your new home is just as important. After all the hard work and excitement of spending all day—or many days—loading your truck and driving it all the way to your new home, just the thought of taking everything out again can be a chore. Instead, give us a call. Our BIC Moving loading and unloading professionals will meet you at your new location and handle all the heavy lifting on the other end. Boxes, furniture, and household items are unloaded with care, and our BIC Moving team will even take them directly to the appropriate room at your direction. All you have to do after that is unpack and settle in!

How to Choose the Right Moving Company

When you’re preparing for a major move, you need a reliable moving company to back you up. Whether you’re moving across the street or across the country, discover how you can carefully compare moving companies and select the ideal business for your residential and commercial needs. Don’t settle for an unprofessional moving service

Verify the Moving Company

Just like any other industry, there are many moving company scams. Here are a number of steps to take to be sure there are no red flags that your chosen moving company may be a scam. Follow these steps to safeguard you, your money and your belongings and enjoy experienced, reputable moving services.

Verify the Company Address and Range of Service

An important step before paying any money or discussing any valuables involved is to verify addresses. This involves two steps. First, verify the address of the business you’re considering working with. Any moving business should have an established address and history of work. A moving company without a clear address or alternative contact information may be a scam company looking to take your money.

Look for Licensing & Certification

Moving companies should be licensed. At minimum, look for companies that have a DOT number. A licensed company is allowed to use commercial vehicles on the road, so your belongings are in the hands of a safe and registered company.

Ask Around About the Company’s Professional Reputation

This step is particularly useful for businesses. Ask local businesses who have recently moved about their moving experience. A quality mover in your area will have experience and great customer reviews. While you can compare reviews that the company has received, it’s also helpful to ask outside sources about their thoughts on your chosen moving service.


Moving is not only an expensive and stressful process – it’s also an incredibly hazardous one. Lifting, carrying, and loading are all actions that can put your body through a lot of strain, resulting in soreness that lasts for weeks. Considering all the moving injuries that lurk, soreness could be the least of your problems. That’s what we are here for – to help you carry the burden. We not only remove all safety hazards but we also annihilate moving stress. Our loading and unloading services were designed to help you with the most strenuous aspect of moving – the handling of all those robust and heavy items. Give us a call and our team will gladly lend you a helping hand.

Keep everyone involved safe and sound with our loading and unloading services

It is certainly important for your relocation to be a complete success. And with our residential movers Dallas, it is bound to be. But there is one other thing that prevails even over success – and that’s safety. Staying safe and sound when you have to carry dressers and TVs is difficult. It’s only one slip that separates you from a broken toe or injured fingers. That’s why you should rely on the extensive knowledge and skill of our movers.

Let your items enjoy the same safety

It goes without saying that your safety is the most important thing during relocation. But it’s also important for all of your items to remain intact and in one piece. If you care about the well-being of your precious items, all you have to do is get in touch with us. Our team has enough training and experience to safely load and unload all of your belongings. We will start by experienced packing, where we will use the best materials and techniques. Then, we will ensure that none of your items are dropped on their way to the moving truck. Finally, we will fill the moving truck with your belongings while following a specific order.

Competitive prices are an important part of our loading/unloading services

Moving assistance is notorious for its steep price. That’s the sole reason why people opt for DIY relocations – so that they can save some money. We believe that every person deserves a moving experience fit for royals – without having to pay a royally high price.

Movers who go the distance for all of our customers

No matter the distance or type of move, we’re local movers equipped to provide a quality relocation experience. Our movers and packers won’t take into account how much you have spent on your relocation and whether you have opted for the majority of our moving services DFW or only one of them. Regardless of your final bill, you can rest assured you will get a team that will be 100% focused on your needs. From planning our loading and unloading services to adapt to your needs to providing the firm hand you need, feel free to leave everything to our team. Your part of the job was giving us a call – we got it from here.

Loading and Unloading Services

If you need a labor help for loading or unloading to your rental truck, trailer or portable storage container, we can definitely assist you. We will arrive with our moving professional tools that are included in our service.

We do not recommend ask family and friends for loading or unloading, as this job requires professional skills and tools. You will not want injure to happen to them due to the wrong lifting of the furniture.

Hiring professionals will also reduce possible damage. This one goes hand in hand with packing correctly, properly loaded items won’t shift during transport resulting in a lower probability of damaged items.

Licensed, insured and bonded.

Professionally trained, uniformed and friendly movers and office stuff.

Clean and presentable moving trucks and equipment.

The Function Of Circuit Breakers Panels

Selecting the right circuit breaker for your application

Most designers have a pretty good idea of what a circuit breaker is and what it does; if you need a refresher, here’s a quick definition: A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. It detects a fault condition and interrupts current flow.

Specifying the right breaker early in the design process can lead to a more robust design, avoid redesigns, decrease development costs, and add value to the end product. Seems pretty simple, right? But selecting the best circuit breaker for your application is a multi-step process. The basic functional parameters—voltage, current, and number of poles—are just the beginning. To refine your selection, you then have to consider mechanical and environmental factors, regulatory and safety issues, size and cost constraints, and more.

Circuit Breakers 101

Let’s begin with a review of key circuit breaker parameters. A number of technology options are available to accomplish the circuit breaker function, each with slightly different performance characteristics. Table 1 gives an overview of five; depending on your precise requirements, several types may be suitable for your application. Circuit breakers using different technologies will exhibit subtly different performance characteristics under overload conditions. Figure 1 shows these variations. The horizontal axis (current) shows multiples of the continuous current rating for the breaker; the vertical axis (time) shows how long it will take the circuit breaker to trip at the given current. The widths of the curves indicate typical tolerances. It’s recommended that you consult a data sheet for more information.

Derating Factors

The specifications of a circuit breaker are only valid under the conditions quoted in the data sheet; a frequency of 60 Hz in an open-air environment at 40ºC ambient, for example. If the real-world conditions differ from those under which the specifications were derived, derating factors must be applied


Circuit breakers come in a variety of sizes and mounting configurations for use on printed circuit boards, racks, and panels, all the way up to highly specialized installations for high-voltage electrical grid use.

Selecting the Right Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker, to most design engineers, is thought of as a low-cost commodity component that usually doesn’t get much attention when designing a new piece of equipment or system. In fact, on many occasions I have heard someone say, “It doesn’t matter; I just need a circuit breaker.” Yet a circuit breaker is an extremely important system component, and should not be handled in such a cavalier fashion. They are used to protect valuable equipment or devices from damage or more importantly they are used to prevent a life-threatening system disaster such as fire. It is important to take the time and make sure that the circuit breaker you are selecting is not only the right type for your application but it is also of high quality

Today, there are many circuit breaker choices to fit virtually any industrial DIN rail application. However, even with so many choices available, selecting the proper circuit breaker can be an easy task

Supplementary Protection

Supplementary circuit breakers, often referred to as UL1077 circuit breakers, are protectors that are typically used to provide protection to a device. Usually a branch UL489 circuit breaker is already installed up stream of the supplementary circuit breakers to protect the circuit wiring. Most supplementary circuit breakers are available in one, two and three poles with the option of short (B), medium (C) and long (D) trip curves. They typically can handle a minimum rating of 1A and a maximum amp rating of 63A. For convenience and ease of use the circuit breakers selected should have a reliable wire connection and have an on/off indicator to minimize troubleshooting time.

DC Protection

The DC circuit breakers are used in applications to provide protection where direct current or DC voltage is used. DC circuit breakers are available in both UL1077 and UL489 versions. Generally the DC circuit breakers are available in one or two poles with the short (B) or medium (C) trip curves. They are available with current ratings ranging from 1 to 63 Amps

Ground Fault Protection

The ground fault circuit breaker is used to provide protection to equipment that is located in wet or damp environments. The way this device works is when a ground fault or earth leakage greater than 30mA is detected the unit trips and opens the circuit breaker. On most ground fault circuit breakers a visual trip indicator and push to test button are standard features.

Circuit Breaker Selection Tips

In power plants and substations, they protect the main equipment from overloading, short circuit and thus, partial or total damage which costs very much

In branch circuits, they protect mainly the cables from overloading and breakdown also they protect the load from overloading in some cases.

They protect you from leakage current in case of earth leakage circuit breakers. As in case you touched a live wire, the breaker senses the leakage current though your body to ground and then disconnects the circuit.

As we briefly showed the common types of circuit breakers and where they are being used, now we will discuss how to select a circuit breaker on the scope of medium and low voltage

Dynamic Load: the unique aspect regarding this type is the electro-magnetic field to operate. So obviously we are talking about motors and transformers which draw higher current than rated at starting.

How to Determine Amperage of Circuit Breaker

Each circuit breaker has a specific rated amperage, or amount of current. When that amperage is exceeded, the circuit breaker shuts down the flow of current in that circuit to prevent damage to the wiring and appliances. Learn how to calculate the actual amperage of devices on the circuit and compare it to the rated amperage, so you can avoid unnecessary power interruptions and fire hazards.

Examine the electric panel. Each circuit breaker should have its amperage marked on the handle. This is the maximum amperage that the circuit can take before the circuit breaker trips.

Multiply the amperage by 0.8. For everyday use, it’s a good idea to expose the breaker to a maximum of 80% of the rated amperage. It’s fine to exceed this for short periods of time, but continuous current above this amount could cause enough heat to trip the breaker

Understand double-pole breakers. Some high-voltage devices may be wired to a double-pole circuit breaker — two standard circuit breakers sharing a handle. Do not add together the amperage of the two breakers. Both circuits will be tripped simultaneously by the amperage displayed on one circuit breaker handle

Compare this to the current on the circuit. Now you know how much amperage your wiring and circuit breaker can handle. To find out whether your circuit exceeds this amperage, continue to the next method.

Choosing the Right Circuit Breaker

Determine the Circuit Breaker Type

First, you need to determine whether you need a standard breaker, a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), or an Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI).

Identify the Manufacturer and Brand of the Breaker and Panel

Not all circuit breakers are interchangeable.

Check the Electrical Specifications

Next, you will need to find out a range of specs. If you are replacing an old breaker, you’ll find all the info you need on the unit itself

When you’re trying to determine amperage, but you do not have an old circuit breaker for comparison, you can use the wire gauge to guide your decision. You’ll find the gauge printed on the wire that will connect to the new breaker. The lower the gauge, the higher the breaker amperage. For example, a 10-gauge wire will need a 30-amp breaker, while a 14-gauge wire requires a 15-amp unit.

Confirm Any Special Requirements

For developers or contractors, you may need to fulfill certain special requirements for specific codes, localities, or client preferences. For example, you may need to use only new circuit breakers as opposed to reconditioned circuit breakers, you may need high vibration specifications for industrial facilities, or you may need to choose between a manual or automatic reset.